5 reasons why I love Pinterest

1. Easy to use: Adding the “Pin It” button to Firefox made it easy to keep found things found. It is also easy to repin from a friend or stranger. A few simple clicks and you can keep found things found.

2. Easy to collaborate: Several of the boards that I contribute to are for sharing ideas of Young Adult Programing. It is a great way to share resources with strangers and friends in order to have a online environment that fosters collaboration.

3. Easy to organize: Creating categories via boards is an easy way to organize information. It also gives the user the ability to select and follow all or some of the person’s boards. Besides what librarian doesn’t like organization.

4. Great for visual learners: I can’t remember an article title to save my life. However a thumbnail image will stick in my brain every time.

5. Recipes, Puppies and Babies: Basically you can impress people with your mad cooking skills and see adorable pictures of puppies and babies. What is not to love with good food and a cuteness overload??

To follow me and and all my random pins click here!

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